Although everyone works very hard, we work in a relaxed, laid back environment which really encourages you to be brave with your ideas and opinions. Everyone’s feedback is welcome and you feel like you can really make a difference to people on a daily basis, which from an HR perspective is really rewarding.

What did you want to be when you were younger?
I wanted to be a million different things depending on where I was and who I was with – an air hostess, power business woman, dog groomer and checkout lady most regularly topped the list.
What attracted you to working at Secret Escapes?
The Secret Escapes values really spoke to me when I saw them. Previously, I would start a job and then adopt that company’s values, so it was inspirational for me to identify with the Secret Escapes values before I even got the job. I think that company values say a lot about who you work, for and I am delighted to see that the values are really embraced here and mean something to everyone who works at Secret Escapes. I also loved the idea of working within an HR team in an organisation with such fast growth and high potential globally. Oh, and I was an avid Secret Escapes user who LOVES holidays.
What was your first week at Secret Escapes like?
Really fast paced – this is my first time working for a tech company so I very naively didn’t realise how much actually goes into maintaining our website and making sure our deals were the best ones out there. It was really interesting, everyone was really nice and down to earth and the week flew by! (As has every week since)!
How did you find the recruitment process at Secret Escapes?
The recruitment process was great – Cheryl did a great job of looking after me throughout the process, and unusually I actually enjoyed my interviews!
What makes Secret Escapes different to where you have worked before?
Although everyone works very hard, we work in a relaxed, laid back environment which really encourages you to be brave with your ideas and opinions. Everyone’s feedback is welcome and you feel like you can really make a difference to people on a daily basis, which from an HR perspective is really rewarding.
Finally…. What has been your favourite holiday destination and why?
My favourite holiday recently was my trip to Thailand where I got engaged, however Ibiza is and always will be will be my spiritual home.