I've always associated Secret Escapes with offering the dreamiest of travel opportunities, then once I was able to take a glimpse of the office environment and culture, my thoughts soon escalated to - 'I NEED to work here!'

What attracted you to working at Secret Escapes?
I’ve always associated Secret Escapes with offering the dreamiest of travel opportunities, then once I was able to take a glimpse of the office environment and culture, my thoughts soon escalated to – ‘I NEED to work here!’
What did you want to be when you were younger?
I would love to say I’ve wanted to be an accountant my whole life but it’s just not believable, is it?! I’m going to go with the more realistic option of Zookeeper.
What was your first week at Secret Escapes like?
A complete whirlwind of introductions and knowledge which now seems like a distant memory, but the friendliness and welcoming feeling from the team is what I remember most.
How did you find the recruitment process at Secret Escapes?
This was my first experience partaking in a video interview which seemed daunting at first, however, I knew it was my first chance to give Secret Escapes an insight to me as a person and therefore decided to embrace the opportunity (fortunately this clearly worked in my favour)! Overall I found the process refreshingly modern, from the video interview via an app to booking my interview slot as a ‘trip’, I felt the process to be smooth and swift whilst always keeping on travel theme – very clever!
What makes Secret Escapes different to where you have worked before?
I’m approaching my 4th month at Secret Escapes which is a relatively short period of time in comparison with the knowledge and experience I have gained. I find myself confidently speaking up with new ideas and initiatives because I know they will be encouraged and not disregarded and look forward to presenting new projects to my team because I’ll always receive positive recognition for my hard work. All of these things make Secret Escapes a completely different workplace, and the one that I’ve always been looking for!
What has been your favourite holiday destination and why?
Thailand is a destination which holds the most memories for me. Whether it was spending NYE at the craziest full moon party or a long awaited emotional reunion with my travelling sister, Thailand will always be a destination close to my heart.